All businesses had to move to the E way bill system from the regular physical billing system. As GST was implemented across the country, this new format of billing became mandatory. Many organizations are not well equipped with suitable software for this billing, and they use old or redundant platforms that complicate the task. In this regard, you can use the E way bill software from reputed service providers and integrate them with your business tools. Using SAP is the best way to integrate such processes within your business, as this will make it easy for you to track all the activities from a single place. One does not need to manually enter data into different systems as it can be synced together to work in a coordinated manner.
Such systems are beneficial for your business as it is now mandatory to have an e way bill for every transaction of more than Rs 50000. In this way, no goods can be moved without this bill, and it can be risky to carry goods within the state or out of state without a valid bill. For this reason, you can generate e way bills easily using the software and save yourselves from various hassles. There is no need to worry when you have the right kind of software for this task.
SAP ERP systems for financial applications
Integrating SAP platforms for your financial applications will allow you to save lots of money spent on various applications. You will be able to handle the general ledger using this platform and perform tasks like cash management. Apart from that, you can calculate the amount payable and receivable at any point in time. This is the best part of using the SAP platform as it allows you to access data in real-time, and decisions can be taken quickly to avoid various troubles in the long run. You can also keep a tab of fixed assets in your portfolio using this platform. These are some of the ways in which SAP platforms can be used for financial applications in your business.
SAP ERP systems for project management
When it comes to your project-related activities, every aspect of the project can be integrated into this platform. Right from managing the time and expense of every project to managing the individual activities, everything can be controlled using this tool. It allows you to keep a tab of every aspect of the project in real-time. You can allocate suitable time schedules for every task and monitor the flow of activities related to the tasks.
It is also an excellent tool for billing and costing activities. The e way bill system is the best thing you can get for your business. This saves a lot of time and allows you to use the data in multiple locations without any hassles. There is no need for duplicate entry into multiple sections, and this also eliminated manual errors that are common during repeated entries in accounting software.
SAP systems for customer relation management
You can also use the SAP tools for your customer management activities. This also includes sales and marketing tasks for which e way billing will be essential. Other than that, you can choose to integrate the customer service system into this and provide suitable contact numbers for your customers to get in touch with your business. If you are offering web-based services, you can also include a chat option so that customers can easily describe their problems and reach out to your executives.
SAP systems for human resource management
When it comes to managing your human resource systems, there is no need to use separate software as everything comes integrated with the SAP tools. This can be conveniently used for payroll activities, and it offers complete integration with your accounting platform. In this regard, it offers the best services at a very low cost as there is no need to use multiple tools for different activities. The best part about this is that it can be customized according to your billing standards, and you can modify the payroll tools as per your business requirements.
Benefits of choosing reputed SAP service providers
With proper integration of ERP and HANA tools, you can get various benefits for your business from leading SAP service providers. There is no need for manual uploading of files, and they can also be automatically downloaded according to your settings. The e-invoice for various transactions can be generated in real-time automatically as soon as the transaction is processed in your system. In the same manner, you can manage the QR code and IRN directly from the SAP platform. You also get access to real-time reports, and everything can be accessed from a single dashboard. The invoice can be generated from any of your systems that are connected to the server, and it can be tracked at a later stage for accounting activities.
GST compliant billing solutions
With the implementation of GST, the business tools had to be modified to suit the new requirements. In this regard, the E way bill, which can be electronically generated, became the new norm for all transactions exceeding Rs 50000 in value. The SAP tools are compliant with this GST method, and you can easily get to use this for your billing needs. There is no need to calculate the GST for every transaction manually, and it will be automatically added to your invoices.
Complete data security with SAP solutions
The SAP solutions also offer complete security for your data as it reduces the need for manual entries at various points. Apart from that, you can seamlessly connect with the central network to access any files you want for your accounting and billing needs. The right kind of service providers also helps you to take a backup of your data, and this can help you to use them at a later stage. In this manner, using the e way billing methods can help you to save both time as well as money for your business.