Did you just find out that you’ve been diagnosed with diastasis recti? Have you looked for options that could help you easily heal your issues? There are plenty of options to take when it comes to finding the right kind of treatment plan for yourself. With the help of your doctor and physiotherapist, it may be the best idea to start working on your plans. Along with that, here are a few things you can do to handle the situation at hand, in your own home. Yes, diastasis recti corsets and waist trainers work well with choice exercises in healing diastasis recti.
Understanding Diastasis Recti
- What is Diastasis Recti
Diastasis rectus is a condition where there’s a partial or complete separation of the rectus abdominis, which meets at the midsection of one’s stomach. Diastasis recti are often experienced during and after pregnancy. It results from stretching you of the muscles in the abdomen in order to accommodate a growing baby. According to a study conducted by the US National Library of Medicine, it has found that upto 60 percent of pregnant women experience diastasis recti during and after pregnancy.
Having said that, the condition is not limited to those who are new mothers; they can also happen to men and even newborn babies. Sometimes those who do heavy weight lifting can also encounter this ailment as a result of incorrect or excessive abdominal exercises.
Some Symptoms
- Lower back pain
- Poor Posture
- Constipation
- Bloating
- What causes Diastasis Recti
Some are more at risk of developing diastasis recti than others. The people more prone to developing it are:
- Having twins or more babies at a go can cause complications that result in separation in the abdomen.
- If you have a smaller build than most women, you are more likely to get diastasis recti.
- Those who have an inclined back or seemingly weaker abdomen are prone to experiencing with diastasis recti.
- Genetics play a huge predisposing agent in such conditions.
These are some of the major reasons that make one prone to getting diastasis recti.
- What are the Available Treatment Options
There are a few different kinds of treatment options. Some of which are:
- Belly Binding Using Waist Trainer for Diastasis Recti – Diastasis recti corset, and diastasis recti waist trainers are used to bind one’s belly and aids in closing up the separation gap caused due to diastasis recti. This technique places emphasis on wrapping using the spleen and binder placed within the waist trainers. This forcefully pulls on your stomachs and makes it appear flatter than usual as well. Using these corset for diastasis recti provides support to one’s lower back and strengthens & tightens the muscles.
- Correct Your Posture – Posture plays a huge role in the way one’s body heals. Instead of tucking in your tailbone and clenching in the buttocks, work on standing correctly by standing with your buttocks out proudly. This allows room for the natural curve of your spine to take root without any tucking. By tucking in, all that one is accomplishing is displacing mass, much like a new toothpaste squeezed in the middle with the lid on. It spoils the entire shape of it.
- Rely on Subtle but Effective Exercises – Initially, when the abdomen looks bloated, new mothers often assume that exercising vigorously could help to tone down the bulge from the center, making one slim down quicker. So, they go onto hardcore ab based exercises such as crunches, oblique twists, sit-ups, many of which further separates the muscles rather than join them. After this, they start experiencing pain in the back due to the ailment. You should be able to tell that you are causing more harm than healing the separation if you begin to see that your stomach forms a dome as you attempt various exercises that are hardcore.